All posts created by Jayson Veley
08/05/2017 / By Jayson Veley

Late last month, a formal Administrative Procedures Act Petition was filed with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the

07/28/2017 / By Jayson Veley

When it comes to professors and school administrators, there really should be some kind of psychological screening process that they

07/24/2017 / By Jayson Veley

In the midst of the ongoing and seemingly never ending healthcare debate, Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Senator Ted

04/21/2017 / By Jayson Veley

Just because someone holds the title of a “professor” does not necessarily mean that everything that they teach their students

03/09/2017 / By Jayson Veley

Politically speaking, the state of California is like an experiment that has gone terribly wrong. It is a petri dish

03/07/2017 / By Jayson Veley

For the most part, when the government is put in charge of things, those things tend to get worse and