News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
The Susan G Komen Foundation has filed lawsuits against HUNDREDS of “mom and pop” cancer charities for use of the word CURE
If you’ve ever bought something pink to support breast cancer, your money likely went to the charity Susan G. Komen For the Cure. It’s noble to want to help people who are suffering from such a devastating disease, but before you reach into your wallet next time, you might want to take a closer look […]
By Cassie B.
FDA now wants to eliminate side effect warnings from drug ads in latest collusion with Big Pharma
We’ve all seen those drug commercials on TV with pleasant-looking grandparents frolicking in a grassy field with an adorable puppy, living life to the fullest while an announcer talks about how Big Pharma’s latest poison is going to make your life every bit as joyful. Then comes the obligatory rushed reading of a list of […]
By Cassie B.
How doctors got rich pushing Big Pharma’s addictive opioids
Fentanyl is the most powerful opioid that has ever been mass-marketed. Quick to kick in and powerful enough to conquer pain that other opioids couldn’t touch, it was designed with the intention of helping cancer patients die comfortably. Why, then, is this “heroin on steroids” given out to patients in New Jersey for routine operations […]
By Cassie B.
Prescription drug insert sheets blasted as “unreadable” … they’re intentionally designed to obscure risks and side effects
If you’ve ever taken a prescription drug, you are probably familiar with those paper inserts that come inside the package – although there’s a good chance you’ve never actually read every word on them. These papers are filled with tiny print outlining the medication’s purpose, dosage, and side effects, but they are so long and […]
By Cassie B.
FDA bans natural substance manufactured by the body itself
Any time the FDA goes after a natural substance, it’s safe to assume that the ingredient in question is about to turn up in a Big Pharma drug and they’re just trying to get rid of the competition. In fact, this practice is so common that a recent poll found that 37 percent of people […]
By Cassie B.
Antidepressant drugs made woman believe she had killed her own children … Hallucinations, crushed libido, side effects galore
When you read the side effects on a package of antidepressants – or any medication, for that matter – it’s easy to brush them off out of a desire to start feeling better quickly. Problems like fatigue, nausea and decreased libido are just words on a page and easy to dismiss … until they happen […]
By Cassie B.
Report: Doctors caught overprescribing drugs to older people as profits overtake ethics
Aging takes a serious toll on humans, and most older people take a lot of pills for various reasons. At first, it might be concerning when family members have to start taking regular medications, but eventually it becomes a new way of life and people stop questioning doctors when they add new pills to an […]
By Cassie B.
Big Pharma increases life-saving drug’s price by 7,000 percent, with help from FDA
Proving yet again that it values the bottom line over human lives, Big Pharma has increased the price of one life-saving medicine by more than 7,000-fold. Adding to the outrage for those who depend on the drug is the fact that this shameful price hike was made possible by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). […]
By Cassie B.
STUDY: Antidepressants linked to higher rates of suicide and self-harm
Evidence continues to pile up about the serious risks of taking antidepressants, and a new study provides additional proof that these risks extend beyond the popular SSRI class of drugs. A study out of the University of Nottingham links some popular antidepressants to a higher rate of suicide and self-harm among people suffering from depression […]
By Cassie B.
Study: Healthy diet linked to curing depression
After hearing about the horrors of antidepressants, or experiencing them firsthand, many people seek alternative treatments that can alleviate depression without any side effects. From a higher suicide risk to seizures and sleep disruptions, to name just a few, it is understandable that some people feel the risks of these drugs are not worth it. […]
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