News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
ADHD drug use has skyrocketed 345% among young women in 12 years according to the CDC, increasing birth defects
As Big Pharma and the medical establishment continue to convince people they have various medical conditions and need medications to function or even survive, we’re seeing rises in the use of everything from antidepressants to statins. However, a new report from the CDC is shedding light on one disturbing trend in particular: a sharp spike […]
By Cassie B.
Prescriptions during pregnancy are on the rise – and so are birth defects: CDC warns women to avoid antibiotics, even if their doctor says it’s safe
The first trimester of pregnancy is a delicate time, and everything you expose your unborn child to could set the tone for their health and well-being throughout their entire lifetime. That’s why it pays to be especially vigilant about the toxins in your body as well as your environment when you’re expecting – particularly in […]
By Cassie B.
Cancer industry drug company ruthlessly raises cancer drug price by 1400% to price gouge patients
Dealing with cancer is devastating enough on its own, but when the drug your doctors have told you that you need costs a ridiculous amount of money, it adds even more stress to an already traumatic situation. Unfortunately, this is the sad reality for the many people who need lomustine, a drug that can be […]
By Cassie B.
Health care costs skyrocket 265% in Virginia this year as Big Pharma plunders America’s “sick care” economy
Virginia residents have a big motivation to make getting healthy part of their new year’s resolution as reports indicate that health insurance premiums in the state’s individual marketplace could rise by as much as 265 percent in 2017. An Affordable Care Act filing from the Virginia State Corporation Commission shows that Optima Health Plan customers […]
By Cassie B.
It’s like they WANT people to suffer: In another case of Big Pharma greed, “periodic paralysis” drug that used to be free now costs over $100,000 a year
In yet another story of heartless price gouging, a pharmaceutical company has raised the price of a drug that was once free to more than $100,000 a year. Businesses exist to make money, of course, but Big Pharma is no stranger to taking advantage of people’s suffering. Turning a profit is one thing, but being […]
By Cassie B.
No good reason for the opioid epidemic: Clinical trial showed no “significant difference” in pain relief for treating arm or leg pain using opioids vs non-opioids
There is a lot of finger-pointing going on when it comes to the cause of the opioid epidemic. The pharmaceutical companies making these drugs often get the bulk of the blame, with the doctors who prescribe them following closely behind in the culpability leaderboard. To be fair, some opioid addictions start out fairly innocently, with […]
By Cassie B.
Most cancer drugs make it to the market without any proof they’re safe or effective
As if suffering from cancer weren’t bad enough on its own, a new study has found that nearly two-thirds of the cancer drugs that gained authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) from 2009 to 2013 did not offer any clear proof that they would extend or improve patients’ lives. The study, which was carried […]
By Cassie B.
Disease outbreaks are often staged to generate funding for Big Pharma
When you have a product to sell, you need to strike the right balance between supply and demand. The basic laws of economics state that when you have a supply of products that you’d like to move, one way to sell them is to create a demand for them. If you’re selling scarves, for example, […]
By Cassie B.
Lawmaker wants to legalize use of prescription painkillers for death sentences
A state senator in Maryland is now calling for lethal injection to be reinstated in the state for certain crimes, and he wants to use the same drugs that are already killing thousands of Americans each year to get the job done: heroin and fentanyl. Hartford Country Republican Senator Robert G. Cassilly would like to […]
By Cassie B.
Over-prescription of antidepressants polluting oceans and threatening sea life
Our actions can affect the environment in many ways, and some are more obvious than others. Throwing garbage into the ocean, cutting down trees, and pumping toxic chemicals into the air out of factory smokestacks are clearly harmful to our planet, but other actions are destroying the earth much more quietly. For example, did you […]
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